Have you ever had mood swings?
No no, I am not referring to periods.
We all have a mood swings. A generation of broken people with no mission no great agendas no rivalries nothing. Just the same day every day.
Same faces, same routine, same food, same depression keeps following us, and one day these things might choke us to death
I was really happy by myself having fun, laughing, dancing, and then immediately a rock of anxiety, sadness, depression hit me hard on the head and I was in my default setting again
Not wanting to talk to anybody just wanted to talk to me but I couldn't communicate with myself because that was never taught in our schools, neither by our parents.
Nowadays every person in every corner of the world should take a break from their monotonous boring routine every day for a few hours and talk to themselves and must start learning their language, the language of knowing themselves rather than learning any second language.
One day this life would swallow every one of us like the black hole so till then we should smile through the tear and just live a life worth living