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Money:The Solution and The Problem

Someone has rightly said to earn money you should have money. 

Problems are solved because of money and problems arise because of money
This entire generation working 24 X 7 working their a** off to earn a living. This money is a very unusual thing someone is tensed to earn it and someone is tensed because they have earned too much.
This is the problem with youth many are sleep deprived because they want to earn money and many just dreams of earning money but one thing in common we are the people who have a price tag.
I heard a beautiful line in a series the protagonist said that I want to be a business man everything has a price tag love, honesty, friends everything can be sold and I want to buy everything and he says I am saying it in all my senses.
When I was a child I used to be very much worried about money. whenever there was anything cheaper I used to compromise with the quality of the product although it was never told by my parents.
Today I am the same person saving money and having this dream of making my parents enjoy every damn luxury in the world.
Whoever reads this just keep this point in their head that money is important and it makes life easy and they should work to earn and and atleast fulfill their small luxuries.
I believe that first, you should get tich and then speak that philosophical line 'Money Is Not Important'.


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