A whole generation of dead people with broken hearts and fake smiles .We are the dead people who are alive. We all are breathing but we are not living. Struggling with every aspect of life may be struggling with the whole life itself.
I don't know I just feel lonely even though I am always surrounded by people maybe I know the feeling of being alone amongst the crowd. I am not complaining either I am happy or I am sad with it I am just fine I am don't need any hand to take me out of this zone don't need anyone to console me I am just fine.
I just want a long hug and it's all enough. The part of the reason I don't tell anyone about me is that I am in such a vulnerable position that if I start telling about me I will just burst into tears and won't be able to speak anything
I guess we all are actors just faking our life stories and in this is my story I am playing a strong actor who does not cry and in reality I am broken shattered into pieces and I can't cater all those pieces of me.